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LEADER FOX Frame Battery LEADER FOX Frame Battery LEADER FOX Frame Battery

LEADER FOX Frame Battery

Use for older 2016/2017 electric bike models with mid-motor and rear motor that are not equipped with BMS communication.

Rider's height: 165 cm



Recommended size *:
17 - 18" (M)

*The values provided are only indicative.

Price before discount: 450 €

450 €

You save 0 €

375 € excluding VAT
Discount when buying 2 or more e-bikes: 5%

Batteries with Panasonic 36V cells. Battery capacity 14Ah.
It is also suitable for use as a replacement battery if you plan to ride longer than 60 km.

NOTE: The battery is equipped with STANDART BMS (2 outlets) - this battery can not be used with SWAN 2016, BARNET 2016, PARANA 2016, ELTON 2016 where the SMART BMS battery (6 outlets) is used.


Variants Capacity 11.6 Ah / 420Wh Capacity 14 Ah / 504Wh


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